The shipping costs provided are a fixed, flat rate and are not an estimate. All orders are shipped direct from our international factories in Mexico and China. We have negotiated preferred international shipping rates and are familiar with the customs process so we do not recommend using your own shipping account.
Standard Shipping: 2 day delivery service, in the contiguous USA for all products, regardless of location. Does not apply to the THWF-B, THWH-HD and THWF-HD.
Your Sales Order will list the entire shipping cost you will be charged. Once the product has been delivered, we are no longer responsible for damage or loss to the product. We will make every attempt to meet your delivery dates and in fact may ship your order earlier than requested. However, we are not responsible for delays outside of our control including but not limited to shipping carrier delays, weather, material shortages and custom delays.
Drop Shipping
Any order with more than (2) Ship To locations will incur a $10 (v) per additional location fee. (Not available for THWF-B, THWH-HD and THWF-HD.)